Ph of dilute ammonia solution
Ph of dilute ammonia solution

Inversion pressures (smoggy day) slow dissipation. Humid and foggy weather results in poor dissipation. Dry-windy weather dissipates ammonia the fastest. Allow ammonia vapors to escape to atmosphere unless the release is causing a serious threat to life safety.Ammonia reacts violently with: Chlorine, acids, Brass, copper, silver, and zinc corrode rapidly when mixed with ammonia in the presence of moisture.Stay out of a cloud of ammonia contained inside a room: It may be flammable and will be very cold.Contain pooled amounts in a safe location so that the ammonia solution can evaporate or otherwise be mitigated. Water absorbs ammonia to form ammonium hydroxide and has a high pH (alkaline).Ammonia travels downwind in a v-pattern and eventually dissipates upward into the atmosphere.

ph of dilute ammonia solution ph of dilute ammonia solution

Free-flowing ammonia vapor tends to stay together in a shape of its own because, in dense amounts, it creates a cooler than ambient environment.Wind speed, humidity, rain, and other weather related factors play a role and each case should be evaluated individually. This list is not intended to provide the solution to every ammonia release or incident. **This list should be viewed as informational and points to remember.

Ph of dilute ammonia solution